Holistic Foot Reflexology
As a child I was obsessed with associating people's feet to their face, trying to find similarities between the two.
My teacher had feet that perfectly complimented her feet, while my swimming teacher’s feet could very well have belonged to an entirely different person.
It was only thirty years later, while studying Reflexology that I discovered I might have been onto something.
Reflexology is an ancient natural medicine practice, which addresses pain and promotes healing and well-being throughout the body, by applying pressure on the related reflex points in the feet.
The reflex zone is a portion of the body surface onto which a certain organ is projected.
In this specific case, the RPO® Method aims at a global vision of the individual and the environment in which they live, in order to restore balance, evaluating the person in their entirety, without suppressing or removing the symptom.
In holistic medicine each symptom is seen as a message sent from the body to make us understand that it's time to reassess, change course and, if necessary, change some habits; though sometimes it is simply a request to take a different attitude towards life.
The reflexologist, in collaboration with the user, works to restore homeostasis, acting where necessary by reducing excesses and feeding deficiencies.
University of Minnesota
Evening Standard